Week of November 18
- Wednesday Dec. 18th, 5:30-6:30pm
- Hickory Hills Lodge
- **Bring skiers skis, boots and helmet to Meet & Greet
- Wednesday Dec. 18th, 6:30-7:30pm
- Hickory Hills Lodge
- **Bring skiers skis, boots and helmet to Meet & Greet
- Tuesday Dec. 10th, 6:30-7:30pm
- Hickory Hills Lodge
- Hickory Hills Passes: Now available online through the City of Traverse City website! Most families opt for the season pass over a daily pass, but this is your choice.
- Crystal Mountain Passes: MSRT practices at Crystal on Wednesday only and get a discount on a single day Crystal Mtn Racer pass.
- MSRT – To purchase a Wednesday-only ski pass, $105, call Megan Farfsing at Crystal Mountain, 231.378.2255
- We hold an MSRT Meet & Greet each year to help our skiers and parents better understand what the season ahead is going to look like: bussing, practice schedules, race schedules, gear needs, etc.
- It’s also a great opportunity for families to meet the coaches and ask questions!
- Parents and athletes, please join us on Dec 10 @ 7:30pm at Hickory Hills.
- Hickory Hills Passes: Now available online through the City of Traverse City website! Most families opt for the season pass over a daily pass, but this is your choice.
- Crystal Mountain Passes: Our GTSC athletes get a discount racer passes. Racer passes are purchased by calling Megan Farfsing at Crystal Mountain, 231.378.2255
- MS USSS – This group practices at Crystal on Wednesday and Thursday this season (note – a change from prior seasons!). As such, this group purchases a discounted full season pass, $199.
- We all agreed that staying local to train around the holiday season is ideal.
- However we also recognize that Hickory and Crystal Mtn may not have snow / be open for us to train at (same as last year).
- If HIckory and/or Crystal are not open or will not allow training – Nubs Nob was a preferred alternate location for training.
- However we also remember that last year Nubs was not open for us to train at over the holidays and a lot of January either due to lack of snow.
- If we can offer local training – we certainly will!!! And we will also do our best to offer training/racing opportunities further north if/when needed.
- Nubs Nob SkillsQuest – 45% votes
- Unavailable for any training due to holiday travel – 30%
- Searchmont – 25% votes
- Results Take Away:
- GTSC will plan to have a coach at both Nubs Nob Skills Quest and Searchmont.
- We will coordinate accordingly as the time gets closer and we better understand weather, etc.
- Local training only due to holidays (meaning Hickory or Crystal) – 50%
- Training at Searchmont – 32%
- Out of town and unavailable for any training – 18%
- Results Take Away:
- GTSC will plan to have a coach at both Nubs Nob Skills Quest and Searchmont.
- We will coordinate accordingly as the time gets closer and we better understand weather, etc.
- USSS Race registrations open approximately 1 month prior to a race event.
- Race registrations are thru SkiReg again in 2024/25 – so the same system as last year:
- USSS late fees kick in if you do not register by the Tuesday prior to the race date.
- We do not believe there will be any quotas in place for the races on our GTSC USSS calendar – however some qualifier races can have them work skiing out of region.
- Reminder that all USSS racers are responsible to register themselves for each USSS race they want to participate in – this fee, nor process – is included/completed by GTSC or coaches.
- Since our first USSS race is Dec 14 at Searchmont – registration is now officially open!!!
- Reminder that all USSS races outside the lower peninsula do incur an additional coaching fee to athlete whom chose to attend – this fee is to cover additional travel costs for coaches only and is charged following event.
- To register for races – below is what it will look like when you get into your skireg account. Simply find the race you are interested in and register =)
Join us for a quick virtual touchdown meeting to chat prior to our first training and/or race weekend! We will walk through registration questions, logistics, where to meet, etc.!
Thursday Dec 5th at 6:30pm
Via Teams – link below:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 230 518 272 91
Passcode: yr6NG3pc
Dial in by phone
+1 352-374-3246,,784898525# United States, Gainesville
Phone conference ID: 784 898 525#
Our goal is always to try and set families up for success! Especially if you are a new family – the jump to USSS can be a big one – so reach out anytime with questions!
**FIS Team
Reminder to review the information sheet and schedule sent out Sunday Nov 17th for the upcoming Giants Ridge race – time to fire up some racing!